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#AMFAD: All My Friends Are Dead @Tribeca 2024

Director Marcus Dunstan debuts with a music festival and Air BNB horror



All My Friends Are Dead
Jade Pettyjohn i nAll My Friends Are Dead

Marcus Dunstan, renowned for his expertise in horror from the horror franchise SAW, masterfully crafts a suspenseful and atmospheric narrative in All My Friends Are Dead. The idyllic Airbnb setting transforms into a sinister trap, intensifying the film’s claustrophobic and eerie mood. With its compelling storyline that explores themes of guilt, atonement, and the inescapable consequences of past actions, the movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The dynamic performances by Pettyjohn and Siwa add depth and relatability to their characters, making the unfolding horror all the more impactful. As it premieres at Tribeca, this film promises to be a standout in the horror genre, blending psychological tension with relentless suspense. FERNTV says that you will never look at a music festival or an Air BNB the same ever again.

Fernando Fernandez is a graduate of Environmental Studies at York University in Toronto. He became interested in entertainment journalism in the late 2000s writing for online startups. He founded FERNTV in 2009 and focused mainly on the film industry. With over a thousand interviews conducted with all walks of life in film, he is still learning as if every day is day one.

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